Termite Exterminator Services in Burlington, MA
Also Serving Lexington, MA and Eastern Massachusetts
Termites are a very destructive pest and can wreak havoc on your home or business structures. The Boston area is no stranger to termite problems. A termite exterminator in Burlington and Lexington is always busy. That is why we put our office right nearby. Start your termite control now with a free inspection. The eastern subterranean termite, pictured to the right, is creamy in color. Customers will refer to termites they see (in broken wood or mud tubes) as looking like rice. Termites do not need any pigmentation because they live underground. They eat and digest wood with the aid of single cell protozoa in their digestive tracts. A termite colony may number from 250,000 to several million.
Termites are relentless in their search for food sources because they lack the ability to understand if they face an abundance or shortage of food. For that reason, the workers in the colony are constantly actively searching for new food sources. In an urban or residential environment, it may simply be a new part of the same structure.
In the natural environment, termites unending appetite for cellulose is a tremendous benefit. Termites are essential to the breakdown and recycling of nutrients from grass, processed cellulose like paper and cardboard, roots and wood. This important ecological role intersects with human activity because most structures in New England are made of wood. In addition, they contain large quantities of cellulose derived building materials. For example, the paper on drywall is a food source for termites.