Holliston is famous for its Legend of the Balancing Rock, a 20-foot-long rock that can be found on the north side of Route 16 on the way to Milford. The rock has stood in place for about 15,000 years. George Washington once visited the rock on Route 16—which was just a footpath, more or less—and together with several of his men, made a valiant effort to knock it over. His effort proved unsuccessful, but in September of 2020, gravity did what George Washington could not do and toppled Balancing Rock to the ground.
Holliston’s ownership was unclear and traded for many years. In the early 1700s, some years before the American Revolutionary War, Holliston was part of the Awassamog family of Natick’s territory. Later, it was traded for the town of Sherborn.
Eventually, a few of the former Natick citizens settled along Route 16, near the Balancing Rock. They formed a cluster of farms, which ultimately developed into the small town of Holliston.
Today, Holliston is home to nearly 15,000 citizens who live among its eight officially recognized historic districts. It has also transformed itself into a bedroom community, serving as a suburban area for workers to commute into more prominent cities like Boston. But, like many old towns, Holliston and its residences are prone to unwanted pest infestations.