Canton, MA Pest Control & Lawn Care - Greenhow

Our Local Reviews

10 / 10

Bill and Rachel in Canton

Integrated Pest Management Service

10 / 10

Carlos in Canton

Integrated Pest Management Service

10 / 10

Craig and Kim in Canton

Integrated Pest Management Service

5 / 10

Katrina in Canton

Commercial Pest Control Service

1. Though now service is good on interior work, it took consistent complaining on my part to have my concerns heard and not dismissed. In fact, after being told multiple times that the areas checked were complete based on records of past work/reports it turned out areas of the building were not checked at all until I followed as work proceeded and asked why specific spots were left out. 2. On exterior work the "friendly reminder" email has typically come the day before - sometimes the night before - work. Since this is a school, not a residence this means many early morning trips from my home to school to open locked areas. This persists after both emails to your office and direct requests when I happen to see someone come out. Although these are annoyances, I do appreciate the quality of and approach taken to assure pests are handled and the lawn is healthy. I haven't found any other company that does better.