Also known as “Boxboro,” Boxborough is one of the youngest towns in the historical Boston Metro area. The land was not settled until the beginning of the eighteenth century by local farmers when they began to explore for more fertile ground. Eventually, Boxborough became one of the wealthiest agricultural farming areas in the county.
Today, Boxborough is known for Steele Farm, a local favorite for sledding, hiking, and conservation trails. The town also appeals to tourists for its glacial esker, which is over a mile long and sits in the Beaver Valley Preserve.
As a picturesque town set among the backdrop of a historic colonial town, Boxborough remains a popular destination spot for out-of-town visitors and residents that are happy to call it home. However, with such proximity to rivers, lakes, and centuries-old buildings and homes, it’s not uncommon for property owners in Boxborough to come across pest infestations.