3 myths on pest control.
We make sure you have the truth, even if you don’t like it. Three very common things people don’t want to hear from us.
First you can’t spray away all pest problems – the perfect example is pantry pests (pictured left) and clothes moths (pictured below). For those pests you need to inspect, clean and repeat the process. Many companies with call centers will sell you a service for those pests leading to disappointment when the results fail. We want to start with our fact sheets and get you involved in the inspection and working on sanitation right away.
Second – and this will break the heart of everyone trained in pest control at the hardware store – there is no rodent bait that makes mice thirsty to go outside and die. When a rodent eats bait, it dies where it is when it succumbs to the mode of action. Mice do not leave a structure after they eat bait to search for water and die outside.
Third – there is no such thing as a one time service for mice. Traps have to be removed and updated. Baits need to be monitored. Spending money on a one time service for mice is not a good value. Save your money instead of doing a one time. One times are limited to insects that form visible colonies or whose life cycle exposes them to treatment easily. Think of bees and fleas.
Clothes moth damage to wool rug.