Can I use a wildlife camera for rat control? 2 reasons using a wildlife camera can help with rat control.
Can I use a wildlife camera for rat control? The answer is yes. A wildlife camera is handy rat inspection tool. There are lots of great reasons to use a wildlife camera. Here are two of them.
Patience is the first reason to use a wildlife camera. A wildlife camera has a motion sensor to take a picture or video when motion is detected. No human could sit in place to monitor a location for pest activity. However, the camera is purpose built to sit in place for hours and days until the information on the rodents movements are captured. For example, the shot of the rat running the sewer line up the balloon wall construction here in Boston is taken by the camera at 1:05 am.
Access is the second reason. The camera is placed into and retrieves images from spaces that are not accessible to you. The Moultrie camera you see here is around the width of a Sharpie marker. The footage of the rat entering and leaving this pipe chase showed how to place traps for maximum effectiveness. Above all a camera had to fit on the sill of the foundation, over a pipe, in an area a human head could not get in.
In conclusion, wildlife cameras should be part of your inspection arsenal to effectively target your rodent control efforts.