Sean Greenhow - GreenHow Pest and Termite Control Boston

Sean Greenhow

President and Chief Exterminating Officer

Born and raised in the Boston area, Sean has 20 years in the industry, starting out in 1995 (at the age of 9-no need to check the math). All his time has been spent working in New England. Sean takes pride in maintaining many licenses and industry certifications and is always striving to stay on top of the newest “green” and low impact practices. He enjoys working with team members at customer sites and takes customer service very seriously.

Sean has completed advanced industry training from the American Institute of Baking in Food Safety Sanitation and Purdue University with courses in Pest Management, Advanced Pest Management, and Lawn Care.

Licenses & Certifications:
Sean holds a Massachusetts Pesticide License Commercial Certification in Category 36 Shade Trees & Ornamentals, Category 37 Turf, Category 41 General Pest Control, Category 42 Fumigation, Category 43 Termite and Structural Pest Control, Category 44 Vertebrate Pest Control, Category 47 Mosquito and Biting Fly, and Category 50 Food Processing. Sean holds a New Hampshire Supervisory License in Category F1 General Pest Control, Category F2 Mosquito and Black Fly, Category F3 Termites and Wood Destroying Insects and G2 Turf Pest Control. Sean holds a Connecticut Supervisory Pesticide Applicator Certificate in Category 7A General Pest Control, 7B Termite and Wood Destroying Organisms, 7Ci Structural Fumigation, 7D Rodent and 7E Bird.

Sean has achieved and maintained 2 professional certifications. He is an Associate Certified Entomologist (ACE) certified by the Entomological Society of America (ESA). He is a Massachusetts Certified Arborist.
Verify ACE by clicking here.